A personal note

Hello everyone!

You may notice I have been quiet on the forums for the past few weeks. You may also notice there has been a global pandemic which has pushed a “reset” button on world economies, families, priorities. I believe that the unusual circumstances of SARS-CoV-2 and the response of governments has led to a “mirror” to give us a more honest look at what we desire, what we love and who we are.

My personal life has been overturned and shaken. The past two months have been a roller coaster of uncertainties and sacrifices. I am walking in the light* but this requires taking responsibility for pain and harm that I have caused.

Please reach out on Discord if you need help.


Sending prayers your way sir—blessings to you and yours.


Prayers buddy. There is strength in the light. You got this!


I have been also having , and still have, times over freaking roller coaster, and earth quakes…

Giving you nothing but a big hug man :kissing_heart:
And thank you for sharing with us


@singmajesty: these are unprecedented uncertain times. I hope that you and your family be safe and healthy!