Some characters of the embedded font look cut

Hi, I’m trying to embed this font: But it gets cut on the sides like this:

Flash target:

Html5 target:

Here is my code:

	    font = Assets.getFont('assets/fonts/BukhariScript-Regular.otf');
		format = new TextFormat(font.fontName, 55, 0xffffff);
		label = new TextField();
		label.defaultTextFormat = format;
		label.embedFonts = true;
		label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
		label.selectable = false;
		label.text = "Testing qy yrtzjghy";
		label.x = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth*0.5-label.width*0.5;
		label.y = Lib.current.stage.stageHeight * 0.5 - label.height * 0.5;

Is there any way to prevent it? And what could be the reason?

I believe I had the same problem>
This workaround can help you, but of course, there is still something wrong with OpenFL.

format = new TextFormat(font.fontName, 55, 0xffffff);
label = new TextField();
label.height = 55 + extra; //extra hight, so it won't cut

Does label.height = label.textHeight + 4; work correctly?

No, it doesn’t change anything.

Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to work.

It definitely helped me.
My original variant looks like this:

label.height = size*1.5;

Try to use the border, to see where it cuts.

label.border = true;
label.borderColor = 0xffffff;

Added all the code you’ve provided and it didn’t work. Here is the result:

Here is my code:

        font = Assets.getFont('assets/fonts/BukhariScript-Regular.otf');
		format = new TextFormat(font.fontName, 55, 0xffffff);
		label = new TextField();
		label.defaultTextFormat = format;
		label.embedFonts = true;
		label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
		label.selectable = false;
		label.text = "Testing qy yrtzjghy";
		label.height = label.textHeight*1.5;
		label.border = true;
		label.borderColor = 0xffffff;
		label.x = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth*0.5-label.width*0.5;
		label.y = Lib.current.stage.stageHeight * 0.5 - label.height * 0.5;

Modifying label.height doesn’t seem to have any effect.

Try to experiment with very basic example, remove everything extra, autoSize, selectable.

Thank you for the advice! You are right, experimenting paid off. It makes sense now that removing autoSize helped:

But that leads to an offtopic question - how do I center the text inside of the field? Is there a way to do it?

Try using text format

format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;

or you can offset the x position of the field

label.width = (label.textWidth + 4) / 2;
label.width = label.textWidth + 4;

Yes, this is something I’ve been experiencing, if text doesn’t fit the width, it cuts at the bottom as well.
So, apparently autoSize cuts the text, by settings wrong width.