Not able to install openfl on mac

Mac OS 14.2.1
have haxe 4.3.3 installed

ran % haxelib install openfl
get message: You already have openfl version 9.3.2 installed
(assume this is: /usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/9,3,2
I had run % haxelib install openfl before but had not used it.)

% cd /usr/local/bin
% ls
haxe haxeui neko nekoml ollama
haxelib lime nekoc nekotools

% haxelib run openfl setup … leads to nothing useful

% openfl
zsh: command not found: openfl

Is there any output at all? Or is there none? It’s best to assume that it could still be useful to a contributor like me.

You might try running haxelib run openfl setup -verbose, which should have more detailed output.

I deleted the folder: /usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl and started over. there are 2 lines with “No such file or directory”. I looked and there are is no ‘templates’ folder.

account@Thomass-MBP ~ % haxelib install openfl
Downloading openfl-9,3,
Download complete: 0.24KB in 0.8s (0.2KB/s)
Download complete: 2.79MB in 3.3s (821.9KB/s)
Installing openfl...
  Current version is now 9.3.2
account@Thomass-MBP ~ % haxelib run openfl setup
Warning: No setup is required for openfl, or it is not a valid target
Do you want to install the "openfl" command? [y/n/a] ? y
cp: /usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/9,3,2/src//templates/bin/ No such file or directory

To finish setup, we recommend you either...

 a) Manually add an alias called "openfl" to run "haxelib run openfl"
 b) Run the following commands:

sudo cp "/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,9,1/templates/bin/" /usr/local/bin/lime
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/lime
sudo cp "/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/9,3,2/src/templates/bin/" /usr/local/bin/openfl
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/openfl

account@Thomass-MBP ~ % alias openfl='haxelib run openfl'
account@Thomass-MBP ~ % openfl
 .d88 88b.                             888888b 888 
d88P" "Y88b                            888     888 
888     888                            888     888 
888     888 88888b.   .d88b.  88888b.  8888888 888 
888     888 888 "88b d8P  Y8b 888 "88b 888     888 
888     888 888  888 88888888 888  888 888     888 
Y88b. .d88P 888 d88P Y8b.     888  888 888     888 
 "Y88 88P"  88888P"   "Y8888  888  888 888     "Y888P 

Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1400
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 25
Called from a C function
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 86
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 837
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1097
Called from /usr/lib/haxe/std/neko/_std/sys/io/File.hx line 30
Uncaught exception - [file_contents,/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/9,3,2/src//haxelib.json]
account@Thomass-MBP ~ % 
account@Thomass-MBP ~ % sudo cp "/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/lime/2,9,1/templates/bin/" /usr/local/bin/lime
account@Thomass-MBP ~ % sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/lime
account@Thomass-MBP ~ % sudo cp "/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/9,3,2/src/templates/bin/" /usr/local/bin/openfl

cp: /usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/openfl/9,3,2/src/templates/bin/ No such file or directory
account@Thomass-MBP ~ %

Lime 2.9.1 is extremely old. I suggest installing the latest Lime (8.1.1 at the time I am posting this) and then trying the openfl setup command again.

That solved it. Already ran a couple of demos. I’m new to haxe and related tech - so don’t know what I’m doing. Everything was installed this year. Thanks