Building Android - .../ Not Found

Hello, I am attempting to build a “Hello World” application to Android by means of the command:

lime build android

I have spent a decent amount of time installing / uninstalling / re-installing / etc the android sdk, ndk, java ant, and java jdk. The closest I can get to building it is an error that reports:

Error: Source path “/home/ubuntu/haxelib/hxcpp/3,4,188/bin/Android/” does not exist

I have looked through the forums and have found some similar questions but none of their solutions have helped.

What else do I need to install to get that directory and and any other missing files?: (/Android/

Thank you so much ahead of time!

What version of Haxe and OpenFL are you using?

You may be able to resolve this by running openfl rebuild hxcpp android

Thanks so much for the response - I really appreciate all the work and effort you put forth! I must have my setup configured incorrectly. Currently I have two systems - 1 Windows and 1 Linux. The Windows one works without any issues. I can build to android or any other target.

But from the Linux box when I try to run:

openfl rebuild hxcpp android

I get: “openfl command not found” -

I am going to work through re-installing the stack again and match the versions to my Windows system and I will keep this post updated.

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If you use OpenFL 7, run haxelib run openfl setup -cli to re-run the “lime” and “openfl” alias installation

Thank you so much - I was able to get this resolved with your help. The versions I am running are:

lime: 2.9.1
flixel: 1.4.1
openfl: 3.6.1

after running:
sudo apt-get install zlib1g:i386
and I think:
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386

I was able to get the:
openfl rebuild hxcpp android
command to work.

The the build process would complete after I moved the android tools to the /opt/android-sdk/ directory and downloaded the proper platforms using this command:

 /opt/android-sdk/android update sdk -s -u -a -t platform-tools,build-tools-23.0.2,android-19,android-21

Now we’re cooking!
Thanks Again!