[Windows Legacy] How to make task bar icon flashing

so if I leave the arguments empty, it will just be flashing right? doesn’t seem like the arguments are optional tho

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They are:


Both can be null. CFFI always needs all arguments, though (to my knowledge)

Hmm, maybe it’s more straight forward to add a flashWindow argument, that way flashing is more like an option

I was trying to think of a thing that would not be too platform-specific – Windows blinks the taskbar when an application wants attention, OS X bounces the icon once or continuously

I think it would either connect with an “alert” (like this) which may or may not have a message box, or perhaps it should be a form of “notification” (in an API that could move up to a OS popup message, optionally?)

I think it should be a function that makes pop up box, and it would be good to have option for “additional notification”, which is the flashing and icon bounce(useless on non-desktop platforms). By the way there are pop up boxes for iOS too.