Spine tilemap support

Well, that will be great :grin:

I think I understand how to deal with it, but itā€™s just a simple example. I also need to use Spine as an example to implement it.

I recently completed SpriteSpineā€™s transparency, color modification, and BlendMode.ADD support. I will re-release an openfl-spine version these days.

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Now, !isNaitve support:

openfl-spine Update to 1.6.0

haxelib update openfl-spine
haxelib install openfl-glsl
haxelib install vector-math

1态Deprecated: The isNative rendering support of SpriteSpine is no longer supported, and it is invalid by default; if there is still a need, please refer to multipleTextureRender multi-texture rendering support.
2态Improvement: Added the SpineRenderShader shader, improved the SpriteSpine rendering, and now has added support for transparency, BlendMode.ADD, color modification, etc. (mesh supports at the same time).
3态Dependency: Need to depend on the openfl-glsl library.


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Iā€™m trying to check this new feature but get error: type not found: openfl.shader.SpineRenderShader;
What kind of version openfl do you use?

I found this problem and it has been synchronized to the repair version: 1.6.2.

New issue is:openfl-glsl/0,0,8/Source/glsl/GLSL.hx:3: characters 1-9 : Unexpected function

You may want to use Haxe 4.2.0+ version

Update haxe and set Spine-hx to 3.8 Works fine butā€¦
Seems just one feature is missed: masking :slight_smile:

The implementation of ClippingAttachment has not been completed at present. Although I wanted to complete it, I didnā€™t find a way.

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Weel, I can stick with openfl sprite masking.
I also noticed that graphics in Sprite animation is not sharp.

Can you provide me with unclear samples? Whether it is not turned on <window allow-high-dpi="true"/>

Hi @rainy, any update about masks? Do you think shaders are the way to clipping implementation?

Shaders may not be able to implement masking. It may take some time to see how to use clippingattachment. I guess it is calculated by re clipping triangles, right? :thinking:

I donā€™t know how Spine implements masking, I can only guess. What about your idea of reclipping triangles? Do you mean converting the mask shape to triangles andā€¦ how would you then use it to mask things?

In fact, itā€™s just a bunch of triangle data. ā€œSkeleton clippingā€ should be what we want, but I didnā€™t succeed~ By providing the support of skeleton clipping for sprite spin, the mask function can be realized. If I have a chance, I will try to implement it. If there are examples that have been implemented, it would be better to refer to them.

Do you mean sample animations with mask applied?

The good news is that Iā€™ve revisited skeleton clipping, which supports rendering. Iā€™ll update it to haxelib in the near future.

@gonzos @GiG


haxelib Update to 1.6.3:
1态New: added mask support for ā€˜SpriteSpineā€™.


Iā€™ve just test mask and it works nice. Thanks