I believe that only one drawTriangles will perform very well, but I have tried to integrate their data into an array, and the rendering is messy. Maybe I don’t understand the conversion relationship between their vertex data. In my Sprite renderer, I can now access all the vertices, but I don’t know how to render them correctly in one go.
var event:AnimationEvent = new AnimationEvent();
var spine:SkeletonAnimation;
Great! Thanks.
Anyway, I noticed that Sprite renderer doesn’t support color transform (blending, etc.), and Tilemap renderer doesn’t support mesh animation. Any suggestion how to have color transform and mesh in one animation?
Under SpriteSpine, there will be a support for openflSprite.isNative = true;, but it should be noted that this will treat each bone as a drawcall, which will have a certain performance impact.
I have not yet mastered how to use the shader to achieve SpriteSpine’s transparency support,
1、Deprecated: The isNative rendering support of SpriteSpine is no longer supported, and it is invalid by default; if there is still a need, please refer to multipleTextureRender multi-texture rendering support.
2、Improvement: Added the SpineRenderShader shader, improved the SpriteSpine rendering, and now has added support for transparency, BlendMode.ADD, color modification, etc. (mesh supports at the same time).
3、Dependency: Need to depend on the openfl-glsl library.