Tracking here:
here’s the code i’ve used for rotating tiles in a recent project, i think it originally came from further up this thread… x and y are the position you want you pivot point to be located at. pivotX and pivotY are the rotational origin point within the tile. If you’re rotating by a centre point (which i wasn’t in this case), for example, you would need to set: pivotX = Math.floor(twidth/2); pivotY = Math.floor(theight/2); (where twidth and theight are your tile width and height !)
public function setrotation(rot:Float) { //rotation in radians
mat = tile.matrix;
mat.a = Math.cos(rot);
mat.c = Math.sin(rot);
mat.b = - mat.c;
mat.d = mat.a;
tile.x = x - (pivotX * mat.a) - (pivotY * mat.c);
tile.y = y - (pivotX * mat.b) - (pivotY * mat.d);