OpenFL 9.3.4 and Lime 8.1.3 Release

Hey, everyone!

Grab the newest patch releases for both OpenFL and Lime from Haxelib to get the latest bug fixes.

haxelib install lime 8.1.3
haxelib install openfl 9.3.4


OpenFL 9.3.4

  • Fixed close() method on Sound failing to stop SoundChannel
  • Fixed memory leak in TextField if removed from stage while focused
  • Fixed memory leak in Stage when tracking double-click events
  • Fixed memory leak in Stage when setting focus property to null
  • Fixed missing translation of ' when parsing htmlText on TextField
  • Fixed missing automatic stopDrag() when object is removed from stage after startDrag()
  • Fixed missing exception when attempting to add a display object as a child of itself
  • Fixed calculation of scrollRect and Stage 3D scissor rect bounds when rendering
  • Fixed download() method on FileReference when targeting HTML5
  • Fixed Socket failing to detect closure from remote host
  • Fixed value of clickCount on MouseEvent
  • Fixed unspecified behavior from null key in ObjectPool
  • Fixed many local variable types inferred incorrectly as Dynamic instead of something more specific

Lime 8.1.3

  • Fixed Unicode conversion issues with various APIs, including as clipboard, window text, file dialogs, and fonts.
  • Fixed Android builds with the -emulator flag that broke when using newer Android SDKs.
  • Fixed “Could not link to neko” error message on macOS when lime.ndll is built with Xcode 15.
  • Fixed system environment variables with the same name as common targets conflicting with other targets.
  • Fixed <echo/> and <log/> output confusing Haxe’s completion server. Now skipped when display is defined.
  • Fixed Clipboard.text incorrectly getting cleared to null when targeting HTML5.
  • Fixed integer value parsing in project.xml, including immediately reporting errors for invalid values.
  • Fixed incorrect path discovery for NDLL files that found source directory instead.
  • Fixed missing error message if HXP project class name does not match file name.
  • Fixed unspecified behavior from null keys in ObjectPool.
  • Fixed some issues when running Haxe built natively for Apple Silicon.
  • Fixed missing cancellation of vibration on Android when app is paused or destroyed.
  • Fixed static linking of native curl library on macOS.
  • Fixed deprecation warnings in Android Gradle builds.

Note: This release does not yet have full support for native Apple Silicon (M1 processors and newer) on macOS. If you are looking to upgrade to Haxe 4.3.5, which includes universal macOS binaries, you may need to force Intel architecture when building Lime/OpenFL projects, for the time being. Or you can stay on Haxe 4.3.4 for a bit longer.

(This message is specifically targeted at macOS users. Windows and Linux users are not affected.)

Example of forcing Intel architecture to build a Lime/OpenFL project:

arch -x86_64 lime build html5

The upcoming Lime 8.2, which will be released as soon as we’re done testing and we’re sure that things are stable, will include greatly improved Apple Silicon support. If you’re feeling up to it, you can consider trying a Lime 8.2 nightly build to skip the arch -x86_64 command. See Lime’s file for details about where to find nightly builds, and how to install them.


Thanks a lot!

For some reason OpenFL updated with haxelib update, but Lime not. I had to install it manually instead with