Low FPS on ios-device

Hi, I’ve got problem that couldn’t solve for a long time. When I build this code on ios-device my FPS rapidly going down(like from 30 to 14). If I’m right the same code worked perfect few month ago. Any sugestion? Help please:)

Every second I do ‘afterTimer’ - function. This is the reason but why and how solve it I don’t know.
I just move 100 sprites. Or may be you know how to do it better. Thx.

package ui;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Bitmap;
import matreshka.main.Game;

class Snow extends ChildOnTheStage
	private var game:Game;
	private var snowBit1 = Assets.getBitmapData("assets/img/Snow1.png");
	private var snowBit2 = Assets.getBitmapData("assets/img/Snow2.png");
	private var snowBit3 = Assets.getBitmapData("assets/img/Snow3.png");
	private var snowBit4 = Assets.getBitmapData("assets/img/Snow4.png");
	private var snowBit5 = Assets.getBitmapData("assets/img/Snow5.png");
	public function new(game:Game) {
		this.game = game;
		trace('put snow');
		for (i in 0...100) {
		canBeStopped = false;
		onMove = true;
		nominalSpeed = 10;
		afterTimer = function() {
			for ( z in 0...this.numChildren) {
				var i = this.getChildAt(z); 
				i.x = i.x - nominalSpeed;
				i.y = i.y + nominalSpeed;
				if (i.x < -i.width) {
					i.x = game.screenW;
				if (i.y > game.uiRect.height) {
					i.y = -i.height;
	private function addSnow(i:Int) {
		var snowBit:Bitmap = null;
		switch i {
			case 1 :
				snowBit = new Bitmap(snowBit1);
			case 2 :
				snowBit = new Bitmap(snowBit2);
			case 3 :
				snowBit = new Bitmap(snowBit3);
			case 4 :
				snowBit = new Bitmap(snowBit4);
			default :
				snowBit = new Bitmap(snowBit5);
		var randomX = Std.random(Std.int(game.screenW));
		var randomY = Std.random(Std.int(game.screenH));
		snowBit.x = randomX;
		snowBit.y = randomY;

haxelib list:

actuate: 1.6.3 1.7.2 1.7.5 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 [1.8.6]
extension-admob: 1.4.6 [1.4.7]
extension-android-support-v4: [1.0.0]
extension-gamecenter: [1.2.0]
extension-googleplayservices-lib: [1.1.0]
extension-iap: [1.2.0]
extension-share: 1.2.2 2.2.0 [2.2.1]
gamecenter: 1.0.1 1.1.0 [1.1.1]
hscript: 2.0.4 [2.0.5]
hxcpp: 3.1.39 3.1.68 3.2.180 [3.2.193] 3.2.37
iap: 1.0.4 [1.0.6]
lime-tools: 1.4.0 1.5.6 [1.5.7]
lime: 0.9.7 1.0.0 1.0.1 2.0.0 2.0.0-alpha.7 2.0.1 2.0.6 2.1.1 2.2.1 2.6.5 2.6.8
openfl-admob: 1.3.2 1.3.4 1.4.0 [1.4.2]
openfl-gps-lib: 1.0.2 [1.4.3]
openfl-native: [1.4.0]
openfl-share: 1.2.0 [1.2.2]
openfl-tools: [1.0.10]
openfl: 1.4.0 2.0.0 2.0.1 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2.4 2.2.6 3.3.6 3.3.8 [3.4.0]
random: 1.4.0 [1.4.1]
spritesheet: [1.2.0]
stablexui: [1.0.9] 1.1.1 1.1.4 1.1.5

you should probably consider using Tilesheet (http://haxecoder.com/post.php?id=21) or Tilemap (see openfl example “bunnymark”)

Yes,I will, but I think it’s not a cause of problem, cuz I tried do it with only 1 bitmap but problem last, and even FPS high before I start to move the sprites.

There were frame-timing changes between Lime 2.6.9 and Lime 2.7.0, could you see if this makes a difference, to go back to the last OpenFL and Lime releases instead of newest?