I am an experienced Flash games designer known as GP Studios. The last official thing of mine I released was in 2011, a fairly ambitious 2D Adventure/RPG game called Wasted Youth Part 1, written in AS2.
I’m looking to remaster and finish this project soon.
I partially converted it to AS3 a few years ago but I’m so unfamiliar with my project files I’m thinking of migrating it to Haxe/Open FL or possibly Unity.
All my assets are in Flash: code, characters, animations, scenery, etc.
I love the ease of design in Flash, I’ve yet to find anything that quite matches it. However I also employ a lot of texturing so scaling is an issue. I wonder if I should just go the whole hog and go down the route of spritesheets/Starling, or possibly even 3D models (something I’m very inexperienced with by comparison).
I had a little tinker with OpenFl a couple years ago and found the newly added SWF asset rendering was not to my liking (inferior quality & performance), so I’m not sure if SWF graphic assets is a good idea.
I could probably go on and on and on with questions and concerns like sound and fluid character animation, neither of which are very easy in Flash
I’ve looked at platforms and APIs but it seems there is no best option, and I can’t bring myself to a decision when I feel so uneducated on the matter.
I feel somewhat out of the loop and unfamiliar with the current trends of indie game development in the year 2015, so on many levels I just don’t know where to start. I’m basically a 1 man team with lots of free time looking to create something fairly large and ambitious, with a background in online Flash games.
I suppose it’s not irrelevant to say that ultimately I’m looking to prove myself amongst a pretty intimidating lot of talented developers and if all goes to plan, make a profit and a name for myself, but in order to do so I need to know what the fuck I’m doing. Currently I must admit, I feel pretty lost and overwhelmed by the challenge I’ve set myself.
So, is this an appropriate platform for such a project? (It might help to look at the old game in question.)
I’m looking to make it available to as many platforms as possible and to sell it via Steam, but given all the Flash hate and it’s ongoing demise, I wonder if it’s wise to not break ties completely and move onto Unity.
I haven’t even mentioned Air. I haven’t got a clue.
I apologise for the broad and rhetorical nature of my question, and that this post has probably been written umpteen times by other anxious Flash developers.
Perhaps a better way of phrasing the question would be: if you were set the task of creating my game, what would you use and why?
Any feedback will be appreciated.