iOS png icon+launch images?

Hi guys!

Can’t find any relevant information about launch images for iOS. Found some code on HaxeFlixel’s site, but it looks quite outdated, isn’t it? Required sizes on Apple’s manual are different. I’m forced to use png instead of svg, unfortunately.
I found that command-line tools will pickup best size match from <icon/> tag and use it when needed. So question: should I keep any naming convention, or this will work for iOS as well?

<icon path="assets/36.png" size="36"/> <icon path="assets/48.png" size="48"/> <icon path="assets/72.png" size="72"/> <icon path="assets/96.png" size="96"/> <icon path="assets/180.png" size="180"/> <icon path="assets/120.png" size="120"/> <icon path="assets/152.png" size="152"/> <icon path="assets/76.png" size="76"/>

After all, some up-to-date template for png images for iOS would be great). Thanks in advance!

A recent update to our iOS template should use all the sizes iOS asks for, using an Asset Catalog now instead of the older system.

The tag you’re looking for is called <splashScreen /> to handle the launch images, and otherwise works similar to <icon />

Yeah, I figured everything out, thanks!