Implementing setTextFormat

I thought I’d attempt to implement the setTextFormat function in the TextField class but I’m having a bit of trouble understanding the TextEngine code base.

My current code is this:

import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
import openfl._internal.text.TextFormatRange;

class ExtTextField extends TextField
    public function new()
    override public function setTextFormat(format:TextFormat, beginIndex:Int = 0, endIndex:Int = 0):Void 
        var formatRange = new TextFormatRange(format, beginIndex, endIndex);
		__layoutDirty = true;

Now after looking at the code of the __updateLayout() I thought that in theory the format ranges would apply, but that didn’t seem to do anything. Without a debugger, it’s very difficult to identify exactly what the problem is.

The code I am testing with is the following:

        var txt = new ExtTextField();
        txt.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Times New Roman", 12, 0xFF0000);
        txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        txt.selectable = false;
        txt.text = "CAPITAL LETTERS are blue!";
        txt.setTextFormat(new TextFormat("Times New Roman", 12, 0x0000FF), 0, 14);

I have the following results with the above code:

Not sure what I’m missing.

I managed it in the end:

if (__textEngine.textFormatRanges.length > 0) {
    var range = __textEngine.textFormatRanges[__textEngine.textFormatRanges.length - 1];
    range.end = beginIndex;
    if (endIndex == 0)
        endIndex = text.length;
    var formatRange = new TextFormatRange(format, beginIndex, endIndex);
    var formatRange = new TextFormatRange(format, beginIndex, endIndex);

__layoutDirty = true;


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Hi @tienery, thanks for posting this! I’ve been pulling my hair over a ranged setTextFormat all day (works when targeting Flash, but not Mac :neutral_face:), and this is the closest I’ve been to a solution so far.

I’m having some trouble getting this to work, though, and after many hours of struggling I thought I’d ask if you would mind sharing your final ExtTextField class or maybe explaining the second code example a bit more in-depth?

Ah, that only allows you to set formats linearly, meaning that you can only format a new range as long as the previously set range was before the new range, ie.

setTextFormat(format, 16, 20); only works after setTextFormat(format, 0, 15);

For a more robust solution, you can use my fork of OpenFL and use that as a dev repo in Haxelib using haxelib dev here.

Here is the code if you would prefer to use your own class:

if (endIndex > length || (endIndex == 0 && beginIndex > 0))
    endIndex = length - 1;

if (beginIndex < 0)
    beginIndex = 0;

if (__textEngine.textFormatRanges.length > 0)
    var newFormatRanges = new Array<TextFormatRange>();
    for (i in 0...__textEngine.textFormatRanges.length)
        var range = __textEngine.textFormatRanges[i];
        if ((beginIndex > range.end && endIndex > range.start) || (beginIndex < range.start && endIndex < range.end))

        var formatRange = new TextFormatRange(format, beginIndex, endIndex);
        if (!(range.start < endIndex && range.end > beginIndex) || beginIndex == 0)
             if (range.start < endIndex)
                   range.start = endIndex + 1 > length - 1 ? length - 1 : endIndex + 1;
             else if (range.end > beginIndex)
                   range.end = beginIndex - 1 < 0 ? 0 : beginIndex - 1;
      if (range.start < endIndex)
          range.start = endIndex + 1 > length - 1 ? length - 1 : endIndex + 1;
          range.end = __textEngine.textFormatRanges[i + 1] != null ? __textEngine.textFormatRanges[i + 1].start - 1 : length;
      var leftRange = new TextFormatRange(range.format, range.start, beginIndex - 1);
__textEngine.textFormatRanges = newFormatRanges;
    var formatRange = new TextFormatRange(format, beginIndex, endIndex);
__layoutDirty = true;

This code needs to be in the setTextFormat function, and if you’re using your own class, you’ll need @:access(openfl._internal.text.TextEngine) there, I believe.

TextFormatRange is also in the same package, I believe.

There are plans to patch the pull request for this I made at some point, but of course that’s at the discretion of Josh.

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Works like a charm, thanks a lot!