Enterprise/Pro membership account

There is a nice promise here: http://www.openfl.org/blog/2013/10/16/introducing-openfl-member-accounts/ to “Pro members will receive limited direct email support” :slight_smile:

http://www.openfl.org/membership - what happened to this page?

Is having direct email support still an option?

I don’t know about direct email support, but you could always private message Joshua. (If only Discourse allowed you to respond to threads via email…)

As for the “membership” page, I think it turned into this.

It is really important to me that OpenFL remains free and open. I think that “membership” path communicated to some that OpenFL was really crippleware or free-to-play, both of which carry negative connotations.

There is more than one way to support the project – getting involved by helping on the forums, spreading the word, contributing libraries, tutorials and other resources, writing code and making the platform better, or supporting the work through Patreon (or other methods) all help push it forward :smile:

There are some perks, too, for Patreon supporters, and the extensions are open-source, I’m working on collaborating with more developers to bring additional extensions under our roof so we can help support “one best” implementations of needed extensions, rather than spreading extensions out across the web.

Please feel free to post here on the forums or send a direct message if you want to :slight_smile: