Could not detect Android API platforms in "android-ndk/platforms

I receive:

Could not detect Android API platforms in “android-ndk/platforms”

when try:

openfl build android

or :

lime build android

I use archlinux and have installed

  • android-sdk-r22.0.5-linux, directory: “~/android-sdk”
  • android-ndk-r8b-linux_ (x86), directory: “~/android-ndk”
  • apache-ant-1.9.2, directory: “~/apache-ant”
  • jdk1.6.0_45 (x86 & x64), directory: “~/jdk6”

hxcpp_config.xml has right path directory.

Any Idea?

If you updated Android NDK version, run “lime setup android” and set the new NDK path.