Cannot build for IOS

I tried this again, the Starling demo works on the iPad Air, but I’m seeing a blank screen (like you) on the simulator. I’m not sure why.

Thanks for your help! removed Xcode and reinstalled it and now I can at least run it directly on my iphone. This was not working before either. At least I can test on the device itself now so in part it looks like there was something wrong in Xcode. Still can’t export swf but I am not too concerned about that. Is there anything I need to add to my project xml to get it to run on an ipad 3? I targeted my iPad’s OS verion but I am getting “unsupported architecture armv7f”.

We should support both armv7 and arm64 by default (and I believe its possible to add support for armv7s using an <architecture name="armv7s" /> tag), but recently we updated the tools (I forget if this is in the latest release, or only on Github) to target only arm64 if your minimum OS version is high enough.

The 3rd generation iPad falls just below that threshold, but setting a lower minimum OS version should include armv7 support in the project file. When and where do you get the error? I’ve never heard of armv7f

Here is a screenshot from Xcode.

Does this help?

<config:ios deployment="6.0" />

I thought that newer iOS versions only worked on ARM64 devices, but perhaps I was wrong

Yep that did it. I originally had it set to 8. Looks like I had to go lower. Thanks for you help!