Array storing coordinates

Hi. I have a Formes.hx class for creating rectangles. How can I make in my Main.hx class, when I create a new type of object shapes, that posX, posY, dimL and dimH is stored in that Array.

package; import openfl.display.*; import*; import openfl.geom.*; class Formes extends Sprite {

public function new(posX:Int, posY:Int, dimL:Int, dimH:Int) 
	graphics.beginFill( (Math.random () * 0xFFFFFF));
	graphics.drawRect(0, 0, dimL, dimH);
	x = posX;
	y = posY;

That is my Formes.hx class

Maybe Have an Array of Forms in your Main.hx ->

var formArray:Array<Formes> = [];

var form:Formes = new Formes(0, 0, 100, 100);

then to get the properties

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Thanks Blufedora for your help. But I have another problem. I need to do collision between a Player and Rectangle in formArray.
That is to say that I want to compare the x, y coordinates of my player with the x, y coordinates of the objects in the table so that if the coordinates of my player with a corresponding coordinate in the table so my player is in collision with one of the triangles.

You could use a for loop like:

for (form in formArray)
     if(withinRange(player.x, form.x, form.x + form.width))
          trace("player x is inside the rectangle");

function winthinRange(val:Float, min:Float, max:Float):Bool
     return val > min && val < max;

There are also the “hitTest” methods, like “hitTestObject” or “hitTestPoint”

Yes I Know @singmajesty but I need just to make my own class of collision

I’m making my own collision solution too, when it’s efficient/done I could share it with you if you want.

Oh yes. Thanks Thanks

Here’s What I’m using so far:

Add this to your Player Class:

public function topColliding(collider:Formes):Bool
     if (collider.bottom >= && collider.bottom < this.bottom) return true;
    		return false;

public function rightColliding(collider:Formes):Bool
	if (collider.left >= this.right && collider.left < this.left) return true;
	return false;

public function leftColliding(collider:Formes):Bool
	if (collider.right >= this.left && collider.right < this.right) return true;
	return false;

public function bottomColliding(collider:Formes):Bool
	if ( >= this.bottom && < return true;
	return false;

Add this to your Formes and Player Classes:

public var bottom(get, null):Float;
public var right(get, null):Float;
public var left(get, null):Float;
public var top(get, null):Float;

private function get_top():Float 
	return this.y;
private function get_bottom():Float 
	return this.y + this.height;
private function get_left():Float 
	return this.x;
private function get_right():Float 
	return this.x + this.width;

Example of use:

for(form in formArray)
        //Do something with form touching player's top

If it does not work or you need more explaination/help just message me. :wink:

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Youpi!!! Thanks. I’ll try immediately. Thanks. :relaxed:

I tried to implement these functions but I am having problems. My code is here:

I fixed collision for The left side but i’ll work on it some more :kissing_smiling_eyes: sorry the the code it was more or less an outline but now I try to make it fully implemented.

This was simply a quick/temporary fix but try it out. It may not be the most optimal but i’ll work on a better solution for collision detection.

Thank you. I am trying to also review code to understand and fix bugs in the collision.