Set NDK version for Lime

Because of this, I have to compile for Android with the NDK version r15c. When I try to build for Android, however, it fails with this message:

Warning: Could not deduce NDK version from "/Users/Famille_Pintado/stuff/android-ndk/" - assuming 8
Creating /Users/Famille_Pintado/proj/samsara/build/openfl/android/obj/obj/android-v7/__pch/haxe/hxcpp.h.gch...
sh: arm-linux-androideabi-g++: command not found
Error: Could not create PCH

How can I explicitly Lime what version of the NDK I’m using?

Try running lime setup android, and it should prompt you for a path to where your Android NDK is located. If that still doesn’t work (and the path is correct), check and see if you have a different value in ~/.hxcpp_config, HXCPP’s values will override Lime’s when performing the C++ compilation step. You can remove or change the value there (if present)

I’ve done the lime setup step and it’s led me here. ~/.hxcpp_config doesn’t exist, but that could be a way. How should I format the value?

Oh, I just noticed this message:

Warning: Could not deduce NDK version from "/Users/Famille_Pintado/stuff/android-ndk/" - assuming 8

Perhaps you should rename the folder to android-ndk-r15c, it might help HXCPP find the right paths inside the NDK

Sorry, it didn’t work. Is there another way?

Did it print the same warning? Did you run lime setup android after renaming the folder?

Yes, but it didn’t work, unfortunately. Maybe I can try something else: do you know whether this issue has been solved yet?