NME DEV has problem with sdl2_mixer error

Hello guys,
I would like to check github: https://github.com/ibilon/lime/tree/embed
nme-dev has problem because sdl2_mixer shows mac os x frameworks error if I use Windows than it always show about resources. But it is not for my Windows 7 Pro x64 just Visual C++ Express 2010 and WinApi. Why does it show only Frameworks and Resources from Mac OS X. Please fix for Windows Version.


Error message:

Why does nme builder need Xcode sources? But my computer Windows 7 Pro x64 is not Mac OS X. I have installed like before…

Try https://github.com/openfl/lime as the source version

Thanks for help!

I found fixed bonus:


   public function buildSDL2Mixer(inVer:String)
      var dir = 'unpack/SDL2_mixer-$inVer';
      untar(dir,"SDL2_mixer-" + inVer + ".tgz");
      copy("buildfiles/sdl2_mixer.xml", dir);
      copy("patches/SDL2_mixer/music.c", dir);
      runIn(dir, "haxelib", ["run", "hxcpp", "sdl2_mixer.xml" ].concat(buildArgs));

Replace with “//”

   public function buildSDL2Mixer(inVer:String)
      var dir = 'unpack/SDL2_mixer-$inVer';
      //untar(dir,"SDL2_mixer-" + inVer + ".tgz");
      copy("buildfiles/sdl2_mixer.xml", dir);
      copy("patches/SDL2_mixer/music.c", dir);
      runIn(dir, "haxelib", ["run", "hxcpp", "sdl2_mixer.xml" ].concat(buildArgs));

Compile with compile.hxml
And unpack manuell nme-dev-project/tars/SDL2_mixer-2.0.0.tgz to nme-dev/project/unpack/

and cd nme-dev/project
neko build.n

Wiat for whole lib files
than lime rebuild hxcpp windows
lime rebuild lime windows -Dlegacy

It works fine.

Thanks I forget to add Dlegacy because it is safest because newest version has problem with vector or Float32Array that is why so sad…

I go back old version. How do I replace newest version of lime.Window() and lime.Application? from old version into new version like I want use 3.6.0 for Openfl and 2.9.0 for Lime. Can I replace with new version of Application, Window and Event from Lime 3.3.0?

Is it allow or not allow? I must be careful - I should replace same to cpp / header too?

There aren’t known issues with Vector or Float32Array

Oh nice tricks!

I thought T is same to type or typical float. Thanks for replacement!

But it has common warnings for lime rebuild lime windows -static like I have removed -19 from hxcpp/tool chains/finishbuild.xml than I have recompiled hxcpp, nme and lime more. If I use lib files than with -static normal lime. But it has warnings with Cairo library because it has possible wrong unt8 text format. I can’t understand because I have tried lime rebuild lime windows -Dlegacy -static is successful without warnings. Can I fix normal version of Lime like legacy version right? I will see how does it work without warnings. Than I will try openfl build cpp -Dlegacy -static than it gets 2 error _value is undefined with _regexp and _std. I have cleaned and recompiled regexp.lib and std.lib from hxcpp. How do it fix? Warning all libraries from github… No from haxelib install library.

I have already all development versions like haxelib dev library library.

Don’t worry about the warnings, they’re just warnings :wink:

Thanks for help I think if I am finish to compile than I pack app.exe, line.ndll and manifest into Engine Protector than it is embedded app and for legacy lime via protector than it is very small embedded application. It is very good. But I don’t need to compile with -static. Thanks!