[LIB][iOS][ANDROID] S3 for OpenFL and Get image from camera / gallery


well, like we have a new forum, just re-posting the 2 libraries i made for OpenFL :smile:

GetImagExt: OpenFL extension for iOS and android to get the image full path from the camera or gallery sources. Has 2 versions, one supporting From Gingerbread (2.3) and up but not kitkat and newer, and another leaving with no Gingerbread support but with newer version support as kitkat and up.

S3UtilsOpenFL: Basic lib to interact with Amazon S3 service (only support upload for now, but is gonna be updated during nov/dec with more functionality)

Hope it will be useful :smile:


Awesome, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

Really cool! Thanks :slight_smile:

awesome, i was looking for that!

Sorry to pull up an old thread I canโ€™t find any other extension that matches this one when it comes to both ios and android gallery usage. Anyways is the extension still able to be used. Iโ€™m trying to figure out the Lib.postUiCallback but Iโ€™m not able to figure it out. Cheers.

It looks like itโ€™s moved to lime.system.JNI: https://github.com/openfl/lime/blob/develop/src/lime/system/JNI.hx#L190

If we get it working, would be neat to add to https://github.com/HaxeExtension if that would be possible :slight_smile:

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Indeed, I will continue to work on it and see if I can get it working, and I definitely think moving the extension into the haxe extension project is the best option.