An API for Texture-based Maps (not tiles)

I’ve been trying to search online for clues or examples of the tool similar to Starcraft 2’s editor, whereby you can “paint” textures onto a surface (i.e the ground). In the editor, you can raise and lower terrain, and then paint bitmaps or textures onto that terrain. Now, I’m not looking specifically for an editor, in fact I was thinking of implementing some kind of terrain-like mapping tool myself for OpenFL, but was not sure what part of the OpenFL API I should use to accomplish this.

Because OpenFL doesn’t really have any performance-agnostic APIs outside of TileMap (as far as I am aware), I am stuck on what API I should use to accomplish such a task. I am really just looking for something that can allow me to draw a map freeform.

I am suspecting the BitmapData API will come to the closest I would need to acquire this, but is there any alternatives I do not otherwise know of that perhaps takes advantage of OpenGL calls for this task to work efficiently?

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Are you looking for something 3D, or would an editor like Tiled work?

Tiled actually does have the feature I need to get this to work. Never mind :slight_smile: I should probably do my research first…

I would use blender for workflow: texture-painting -> game-assets,
its HIGH customizable TOOL (with little python knowledge you can build your own editor:)

Blender is a very complex editor that requires a huge time sink to understand. I tried to use Blender and go through some video tutorials this YouTuber was doing, but the sheer amount of tools and complexity does not make it simple enough for what I need to accomplish.

In addition, it’s a 3D tool. I’m strictly making a 2D game, and Blender is quite literally overkill for what I need to get done. I actually found out that Tiled has a terrain tool which was exactly what I was looking for. Before, I did not know the editor had something like that.

Why not write little game-editor >inside< from beginning (like “selfhosting”:slight_smile: ) … may its not much overhead and players be free to create new content after solve all levels :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
( best is to change content >while< testing/playing/designing level i think ; )

That’s what I do. It’s extra work at first, but it lets me add whatever I need to my tools, and players benefit too.

:slight_smile: :sunflower: ( yeah, i like this kind from old mud games)

An in-game level editor could be interesting, I suppose. But this wouldn’t be something I would enable other players to access due to the type of RPG I’m making. Many options, many choices.

I think I will be sticking with TileMap for the time being, as it does provide me with the most efficient API for all targets.

I use Adobe Animate or Tiled depending on the project, would not mind more editors (have ideas for openfl.Assets integration, etc)

Haxe, or more specifically OpenFL (with the exception of Stencyl), does lack general purpose visual editors. Of course, everyone is going to start saying that we don’t need another IDE, but I disagree. Flash and HaxeDevelop only work on Windows, and Linux and Mac with emulation software that may or may not work (in my experience with both Wine and CrossOver, Flash/HaxeDevelop on Linux works with limited support for certain basic functionality). But other than Stencyl, which is not really general purpose, we don’t have a visual editor specifically for Haxe.

I do appreciate the work being done by the folks over at Kha for Kode Studio, but instead of making their version of Visual Studio Code work specifically for Kha, I would prefer it to be more general purpose.

I think the best option for building a visual editor for general purposes is to fork and modify Visual Studio Code, since it has debugging, syntax highlighting and autocompletion functionality.

There are a few of options available for Haxe as far as visual editors go. IntelliJ IDEA has an awesome Haxe plugin you can use with the community version. Atom has Haxe extensions as well.

Or use the haxe vscode extension
And if you need more you can make an extension, no need to fork.

For holliday on old linux laptop i tryed out vi+vaxe and atom+haxe/lime-plugins, both works fine (i miss a little bit FD’s “find all references”-feature ; )

vi start faster and F4 works (throught ctags i think) but more keyboard-kung-fu :slight_smile: